Lots of favorite photos from Christmas day. Photo overload. Can't choose just one.
Katie received her "big girl bike!"
Andrew was thrilled over his game. Matthew has taken to wearing a serious expression most of the time when he takes in something new. But he was really happy. Notice how he stands back and surveys the scene? Andrew jumps in. So them.
First things first. Jammie pictures!
I love my family. SO, so lucky....
Nana too!
Let the gifts begin! I scored this for $2.90 after Halloween at Target. Am regretting the purchase as we've had some major fits over having to change out of it.
Andrew's gift to Daddy. :)
And mine, from Matthew. Does it get any better than,"Me + You = Special" ?
I think not.
Matthew was thrilled over this ~ us to. Make fun things out of the Legos you
already have!
Andrew has wanted this Lego set for SO long.
It's been visited a lot at the store. Now it's at our house!
Sweet girl.
I made a book out of Matthew's first grade art.
I have to say, it turned out really cute. (Can I also add that I got it for free & just had to pay shipping? I was such the bargain shopper this Christmas!)
He looked through it and told us about all the art...it was great.
I saved these two gifts for last & love this photo sequence.
Notice Matthew checking out to see what Andrew got?
And then Andrew doing the same?
Think they were happy?
Love it. :)
The ipad. AKA. The other woman. :)
Time for stockings!
You can see the cheerleader uniform is already in effect.
Super Matthew!
A sensory toy.
It's the little things.
A little girl bracelet.
and a big girl bracelet. Dan hit a homerun.
There was lots of bike riding in the house.
It was Christmas, after all.
Gifts back under the tree until they are slowly put away.
My mind can't quite wrap itself around this yet.
But then my heart will always be about 2 steps behind.
So excited to fly his helicopter from Mike & Michelle.
We managed to dress for dinner around 2 or 3. :)
Prime rib.
Yorkshire pudding.
Baked potatos.
Green salad.
Life is going to be rough when Christmas is over! :)
I asked, "Who wants a picture with Mama?"
A quiet, lovely day.