Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 194/365


We lost a friend today.
Much too soon.
A devoted husband & father.
Not in the cliche' sort of way, but in the get-in-there-and do the dirty stuff sort of way.
And in the thinking of others before himself, sort of way.
The kind of way that has other moms/wives elbowing their husband and whispering,
"Take notes."
A friend whose gentle manner & smile conveyed kindness and sincerity. 

Words are inadequate.

Remembering him and his family with much love....


  1. What a beautiful photo of a wonderful husband and father. He will be truly missed. Thinking and praying for all of you!!!

  2. Thanks for this, Kathy.

    That was Aaron. Someone who didn't wait for you to ask for his help ... he just saw what needed to be done, and did it. He will be missed by so many of us.

  3. I'm SO sorry to hear of this horriblie loss. I'll try to get a quick phone call off to you tomorrow since I'm on the same coast as you this week.

