Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day 180/365 ~ 2012

VBS Kaitlin Collage2-2012

The pews were too confining for my little girl who needed to praise God with her whole heart and body in the aisle.
Little Bug, I hope you are always so confident, so self assured, so passionate, and so fun.
Never ever change.  Ever.


  1. So darn Sweet!

    Love the natural assurance on her face and in her body! I need a slice of that. :)


  2. OMG that collage of Kaitlin is adorable, hysterical, and lovable all at the same time. :) Is that from our new BF picmonkey?

  3. That little one has the love of Jesus in her heart! I cannot get over her cuteness and enthusiasm, great pictures!

  4. Kaitlin would fit right in, in the church I grew up in. She could dance in the aisle and they would be loving it.
