Sunday, September 16, 2012

Day 260/365 ~ 2012


A date with Matthew!
Matthew and I had his birthday date to the bookstore together after church.
Lunch at Red Robin followed by a trip to Barnes and Noble.


The bookstore/Library has been our date destination ever since he was very small.
Ever since pre-school, his preference has always been encyclopedia style books that categorize and give information rather than stories.


This held true with his selections.   A national geographic book on space (with the bonus of Angry Bird Space illustrations!) and a Guide to all the Ninjago characters.

I cherished this time with Matthew.  Talking with him at greater depth about school and many other topics.  He is open and enjoys talking with me right now and as he gets older I am especially intentional about trying to maintain that relationship with him.

It also gave me an opportunity to express how very proud I am of him and how much I appreciate how dependable and responsible he is at home.  Many times during the day he would just look at me and smile.  He said that he loved our day together.  I really did too.  It was a wonderful afternoon spent with my very special Matthew.

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