Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Day 248/365 ~ 2012


First day of school!


Matthew, age 9.
Mrs. Daniel's class
What I want to be when I grow up:  An Inventor ("I want to build things that no one has ever thought of before."


Andrew, age 7.
Ms. Cocklin's class
What I want to be when I grow up:


Kaitlin, age 4.
Miss Monica's class.
What I want to be when I grow up:  A Gardener

(Katie didn't really start until thursday, but I put her in her dress to take some photos with the boys).


The traditional first day of school photo with the fox.
"Fox Rocks!!!"

The boys were SO excited for the first day of school.
They ran through the front door excited and happy to start their day.
I returned to the van with a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes.
First grade is a tough one for me.

The kids were all smiles when the returned home to find these...

Our traditional, first day of school treat: Apple cupcakes!


  1. Tell Kaitlin she can apprentice in my gardens. They all look so happy and eager. Wishing them all the best school year ever.

    1. She would love that Jeannie! She is my little helper in the garden. You don't dare water a flower without her! :)
