Saturday, August 25, 2012

Day 238/365 ~ 2012


Our second day at the beach found us building sandcastles!  First thing in the morning we headed out for some fun in the sand.


We headed back in for a quick lunch and then returned to explore the tide pools.


(I actually didn't intend to dress us all in stripes ~ And only realized it as we were walking out the door).


The tide pools were so fun. We spotted anemones, a sea star, baby fish, and a little crab.


Oh the treasures!


The boys were trying to gather enough crab parts to build a crab to take home. They were not happy when we told them that was not happening.


The weather was perfection. Sunny and warm, and not a drop of rain or gust of wind.
I was so grateful as it was our only full day there and to be blessed with sunshine it felt like such a gift!


We ended the day with dinner at The Fireside and a family viewing of Pollyanna.

1 comment:

  1. Fun times! The beach looks great ~ your treasures are better than those found on our beach. Love the matchy matchy even if it wasn't planned. I guess Dan wasn't invited to the stripe party :)

    Next time the boys want to bring home sea creatures, place them in a zip lock bag and once home boil them in a little bit of bleach for a few minutes. It takes care of the oder and preserves the memory.

    We are on day number 6. If no improvement by tomorrow, they are putting him in the hospital. I'm working via phone and semi-quick trips in to keep everyone on track. Not ideal but it’s working for now.
